Quick and easy recipes for healthy eating
I have always shied away from lasagna. For someone who doesn’t like spending much time in the kitchen, it feels like too much effort for one dinner. That is until I discovered a crock pot lasagna recipe. Now I’m all in. Is it really that much different? No, probably not. But suddenly, to my teenager’s…
I don’t like to cook. I’ve said this before. Yet, I find myself picking up veggies from a local CSA each week, and then staring at them to try to figure out what to do with them. And each week I figure someway of using them all, because while I don’t like to cook I…
This recipe was shared by my friend and neighbor Heather via a recipe swap back in the Covid lockdown days. We were all so isolated, and this was a way to connect, oddly enough. Fast forward a couple years later, and it has become a staple for a vegetarian option that everyone loves. Packed with…
There are certain dishes that I eat when I’m out that for whatever reason I assume I can’t make as well at home. Don’t expect logic here, it’s just my weird thing. Carrot Ginger Soup is one of those dishes. But then there was that day that I needed carrots and all the store had…
My friend Sunny and I used to do a weekly dine and dash dinner. We’d alternate houses each Tuesday, and the agreement was we weren’t entertaining–just a quick dinner, catch up, and go. It was a way for two busy, working moms to get a break from cooking once in a while and get our…