Wisdom I’ve picked up over the years that I wish I had known when I was younger.
What is realistic for change? Change is part of life. Some of us resist it and some embrace it. But, like the aspen leaves start as buds in the spring, turn brilliant green in early summer, transform into gold in the fall, and eventually flutter to the ground, you can’t avoid change. We’ve all seen…
If you only do 4 things for your health, start with these With so many different perspectives on how to take care of your body, it can be hard to narrow down where to put your focus. Supplements, five million different eating styles that people swear by, meditation, HIIT vs. yoga, the list goes on.…
What are they going to think about me? The truth might hurt here, but the answer is probably not much. Your shadow is the only thing that is really watching what you’re doing on a regular basis. It’s not that we shouldn’t pay attention to how we show up in the world. The issue is…
We all think this about our boss at some point Almost everyone, at some point early in their career, decides that their boss is an idiot. Maybe the words aren’t that strong, but you see the flaws, and you see how you would do things differently. When you find yourself here, stop for just a…
You’ve stepped into the wilderness of adulthood, and suddenly you find yourself lost. You’re not sure where the trail is. The trees are so high around you that it’s hard to get your bearings. Meanwhile, it seems like other explorers just keep jogging past you with lighter backpacks and a strong sense of purpose and…
“Clear is kind, unclear is unkind” When you hear something like that coming from both horse trainers and self-help gurus, someone like myself takes note. As a self-admitted conflict avoider, one of the greatest gifts I got in my 30’s was getting more comfortable with conflict. I wish I had gained that earlier, but a…
Information and power You will find yourself in a position of power at some point–the leader of the herd. Whether this is as a CEO, a teacher, or the person organizing a family reunion, at some point you will be in a place where you have access to information that others don’t. There is so…
Reeses is not naïve. She had some hard knocks in her early life that we’re still sorting out. One of the things we’ve had to work with her is to not assume every male walking into our house is a threat. But it’s so hard when she has a history of men not always being…
What have you done for her lately? How often do you pause to watch the sun rise or set? It happens every day, and it is such a beautiful event. I find that it’s easy to forget to pause and recognize the beauty of those moments. It is a constant, something we can all count…
Life lessons for a young colt Watching a young colt is a lot like watching a middle schooler. They wobble around on skinny legs, not quite sure of their body and the space around it. They can be socially awkward as well–who doesn’t remember those years with a little cringe? While humans can be quite…