Ok, so the saying is “Check your story at the door”, but we’ve got a horse here, so let’s go with gate. You’ve probably heard this one a hundred times from different people, but have you really embraced what it means? So much of what I share isn’t new information, but my experience is that we need reminders over and over to do the hard things, as it’s so much easier to fall back into the grooves in our well-worn path.
Everyone has stories they make up about their lives to validate why things are hard for them, or why they continue to end up in the wrong place. Sometimes these stories are very real, and sometimes they are a wee bit fabricated to cut ourselves a bit of slack. Even when there is truth to them, we often use those stories to avoid the responsibility of changing the situation.
Next time you find yourself sharing your story or having an internal dialogue about how rough it is to be you, take a pause and question whether this story is really true, or is it one you can change for a different outcome? Can you check your story at the gate? Maybe you can write a new story where the white horse challenges your beliefs, you become a more confident woman through those lessons, and you stop waiting around for someone else to rescue you from despair?